Posted by: Jeremy Benisek (CyberAxe) Don't Panic Business Technologies | July 27, 2020

Discrimination of Cannabis users must be illegal! Stop Colorado bad Governments

How is it legal for an modular home park to prevent me from posession or using cannabis in my home? in Colorado. The discrimination against cannabis users must be illegal and stopped. Every one of our Cannabis clubs has been threaten until closed. Businesses allowing meetups have been threatened to stop or loss biz licenses. WTF are you people doing? 25 years anniversary and I still live in fear daily of the government or biggest ruining my life. As medical get killed off in Colorado its discussing to see the love of money take over the industry while the people still suffer.

An abused and disgruntled American.

Posted by: Jeremy Benisek (CyberAxe) Don't Panic Business Technologies | July 19, 2020

Why “God’s in control” feels like a copout.

I keep hearing this and it really bugs Me. “God’s in control.” while I don’t disagree with this statement in general, I do think this is a copout to the responsibility of good stewardship “God’s control placed on his people on earth” He gave his people control/dominion of earth and it’s our actions, not his control or lack thereof that governs its state. That good stewardship INCLUDES our government and it’s finances and control over the people we allow it with our inaction to take and claim. The ends do not justify the means you say, yet you allow the government to violate our very basic rights, out of fear of sickness and death. Did our founders not fear these same fears every day by a magnitude of millions. Yet they would never allow any government this power or spending. God’s control didn’t stop Hitler or create America, good people, the hero’s accepted the Spirits call and acted, they weren’t silent, they weren’t meek Christians, they marched to war and with swift action and their own energy and hand were violent and drove evil away. That evil was a GOVERNMENT with too much power. Yet a few generations later you surrender that power back to the government for what? Protectionism. False security? Lower death rate? What’s next because it won’t stop here. The next crisis is coming and you’ve already given up. The reason Jesus has to come back is because we his child failed to be good stewards and due to the inaction of the honest. Maybe you didn’t get the point of the story. Yep, God wins, billions are slaughtered and go to hell. So why is he fighting, because governments have taken control and the people are suffering, crying out. Who is he fighting against? Satan you say, and who is satan leading? Oh yeah, bad evil governments where people surrendered their rights and allowed the governments to abuse them. If people wouldn’t give power to bad governments then Jesus wouldn’t need to come back and slaughter them all. Seem worth fighting for and speaking against. Don’t surround your God given rights to any government for any reason.

Why is this panic so illogical to most?
The confidence in our government, congress, FEMA, FBI, CIA, VA, Healthcare… should I go on. It has been damaged and lost!
<—– Here are the real facts. In its annual survey, BJS asks victims of crime whether they reported that crime to police. In 2018, only 43% of violent crimes tracked by BJS were reported to the police. And in the much more common category of property crime, only about a third (34%) were reported. In 2018, police nationwide cleared 46% of violent crimes that were reported to them. For property crimes, the national clearance rate was 18%. —–> Why would free people who trust their government only report 43% of VIOLENT CRIMES to the police?
This is a direct result of the vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the American government’s abilities. From the failed counting of votes to the managing of fires in CA, bridges across the country and schools and VA’s failing our most cared about daily. This is not panic about a virus this is a direct VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE in the people tasked to manage public health, supply chain, and their local government. We all see how broken the system is and friends, family, and loved ones get smitten by the lumbering wealthy giant’s masters drooling at the chance to control our every move. They can’t even count election votes or do a census. How are they going to possible protect you? They can’t even pass a budget or balance their finances, you can do that. While you pay your bills on time and the full amount working 3 jobs they can’t, the government is the worst client a small business can have. Yet they’re going to keep us safe? Here are the real facts. We’ve never been safer in America because of you not them.
Posted by: Jeremy Benisek (CyberAxe) Don't Panic Business Technologies | June 25, 2019

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This is the oddest and worst corruption I’ve ever seen in 25 years of IT.

  1. Thursday 4/12/19 – Client calls and says his newly install Windows 10 is in a Update reboot loop and he can’t get out. I tried to get him to a windows diag to restore previous point but he couldn’t get anything to work. It would do anything but go to update, fail, reboot and repeat.
  2. I showed up thinking I’d just roll it back to a check point or uninstall the last feature update. I didn’t even bring my USB drive or anything because it’s so simple to fix Windows 10. I could even just reset the system and start over… or so I thought.
    1. I tried all know pre-boot / diag bypass options. Nothing at all worked. Shift, failed boot 3 times, F8, Ctrl F8, Shift F8, just shift, I tried them all.
    2. Borrowed a USB drive and made a USB recovery drive. Easy fix, I’ll just jump into safe mode and … wait, there’s no options for safe mode. What? So I googled it and everyone’s screens showed a safe mode but mine didn’t. On Recovery USB or Windows Media Creator Tool USB.
    3. Hmm, I tried all recovery options. Restore points, all of them failed, failed fast. I tried fix boot, tried them all.
    4. Ok, I love CMD let do some Sfc, failed! Yes, failed. I tied every /? flag I could. Failed!
    5. Screw it, I’ll come back tomorrow with my USB Windows 10 install drive and reset the system. Cut my loses
  3. Friday 4/13/19 – Show up bright eyed ready to reload Windows 10 and have this system back up and running in 30 minutes. These are fast i7 machines.
    1. Put USB windows 10 in and start install. Install says it see a existing windows install and it’s moving it to Windows.old. Yes, perfect I think just like the old day before reset.
    2. I watch Windows install, step by step and reboot. I’m feeling it now, only 20 minutes and it’s solved. but….
    3. To my dismay, Windows Update comes up starts, fails and reboots.
    4. WTF! I reinstalled Windows fresh!
    5. Did I click the wrong drive (there’s only one) the wrong partition (only one large enough for Windows)
    6. Am I crazy, did I not just install Windows, is going through my head.
    7. I tried Windows Install again and recorded it with my Phone show I could show installing windows only to have it not be there after it said it was finished.
    8. Same thing. Install reboots and … Updating Windows…. Failed… Reboot and looped!!!! At this point I’m starting to worry and question my life choices.
  4. It’s CMD war.
    1. I’m pissed now. I figure I’ll just destroy Windows.
    2. Attrib -s windows
    3. del /s /f /q windows
    4. deleted files flash past the screen
    5. yes, this might work I think to my self.
    6. I attrib program files, sys vol, recovery, back, $update all of them
    7. del /s *.*
    8. finished
    9. dir … it’s all still there, all of it!
  5. F-it
    1. Formate C:
      1. Completed 240gb
      2. It’s all still there
  6. Booted to Windows Installer, delete partitions but they won’t delete
    1. format them… finishes but they are still there.
    2. I’m starting to lose it and now I’m in hours. Hundreds of dollars for a $79 dollar device. WTF
  7. I’ll take it to my office and use my USB bay on a workstation and format it that way.
    1. Finishes format… Still there. At this point I’ve started screen recording it. It’s blows my mind.
    2. Download SSD app, can’t find SSD
  8. Ok if I can’t destroy it, it must be corruption
    1. Scan disk from CMD no errors found!
    2. Use all the flags
    3. Offline the drive and finally Windows 10 on my workstation gives me a IO error.
    4. I check event log and there are tons and tons of errors. I couldn’t get these before while onsite.
    5. The IO operation at logical block address 0x0 for Disk 3 (PDO name: \Device\00000053) failed due to a hardware error.
    6. The drive now reported by Windows is a SCSI and none of the Firmware or diag tools detect it. But the drive still mounts and show the data from the moment the Windows update corrupted it. Like a broken watch stuck in time.
  9. Now what? Warranty support from PNY is a joke.
    1. What would you try next to fix the corruption?

You can watch the Videos I’ve updated so far and more will show up in this playlist as their done today.

Posted by: Jeremy Benisek (CyberAxe) Don't Panic Business Technologies | April 10, 2018

Wix website hosting’s lazy domain transfer policy is dangerous.

This is a response I wrote to wix support asking for a responsible option to transfer a domain to another wix account. The current method requires the new owner of the domain to give you his username and password giving you full access to everything in his account. Customer contact info and messages. You could even change his password and lock him out.

Wix support reply:

Unfortunately, this part cannot be bypassed. You can ask the owner to set a temporary password in order for you transfer the domain. Once it’s transferred they can update the password.
We apologize for the inconvenience. If you require any further assistance do not hesitate to contact us,


My reply:

What stops me or anyone from logging into his account and taking everything. Destroying his websites, deleting emails, contacting his customers. Stealing his contacts and client lists….. on and on and on.
This is insain given the amount of data being stored in wix. I manage 15 accounts on wix and its insulting to our security and privacy to risk our businesses and lively hoods to transfer a $10/year domain.
With Facebook, youtube, google and others under investigation for poor privacy standards and not doing enough a few complaints might be worth bring up wix and these types of questionable lazy pratices. This is anything but security.

My comments on this issue:

To say this is some type of security is a direct lie. Never ever in any technical world is sharing your account username and password with random people online a form of security.

I assume this is all to avoid Federal domain transfer laws.

Posted by: Jeremy Benisek (CyberAxe) Don't Panic Business Technologies | April 10, 2018

An Technologist experience moving from Verizon after 11+ years to Sprint.

I’ve been a Verizon Customer for more than 11+ years. It took me talking to more than 10 people over 2 days and 5 hours on the phone to order a simple monthly plan. During this sale I was treated like a criminal and had my personal privacy and information violated many times.

I had to visit a Sprint store and show two forms of ID then tell over the phone all my personal details like including SSN, Full name, Birthday, Mothers name and many other questions none of which is real security, you’re excuse of fraud protection is a joke.

Knowing someone’s family members and addresses isn’t real security and it’s a scam you’re telling people it is. I’ve opened many bank accounts with less work than signing up a $30/month cell phone plan after I already did a credit check and provided valid ID and information.

I objected many times to doing this but I was told I would be allowed to use your Spring services without performing this abusive task in your store with 20 other customers listing to my information. The sales rep was standing in front of me looking at the screen and could have verified by information without any information shared with other customers. This experience is truly appalling. After 3 days I still don’t think I even want to be a spring customer after being treated like this.
I’m a technologist and was testing Sprint out vs Verizon to offer it as a cheaper solution to my many customers. But there is no way I’m going to put them through this nightmare.
After all of this the in-store sales person wasn’t even able to finish my order and told me I’d have to do it over the phone even though the previous two support people on the phone said the store would be able to have everything finished in a few minutes.

Day 1 I talked to chat support and they said my phone would work just fine and the cost would be $30/month with autopay. Day 2 I went to the store and was told my phone wouldn’t work and if I wanted a preowned phone I would have to contact phone sales.

Day 3 after 2 hours on the phone and 2 store visits.

By this point I was very frustrated and wanted to talk to a manager about it. I called the sales number and asked for a sales manager. They refused for 20 minutes and finally hung up on me. I called back and this time decided to try setting up a business account instead. They also refuse to allow me to talk to a manager for 30 minutes. Said they were too busy and harassed me why I wanted to talk to a manager. I explained by experience but he didn’t care about my experience he only cared about getting me off the phone or a sale.

After demanding a manager for 45 minutes he forcibly transferred me somewhere else. When I told them my experience they got me to the sr floor manager after a while.

I’m now 4 hours on the phone for a what I have been told by 7 different people to get a simple $30/month 2gb plan. After talking to the manager a while and hearing how tellasales is a joke she finds someone at tellasales to help me. This person takes forever to get it done but finally does. At the end of all of this he says it’s $45/month with a $5 discount which isn’t what everyone else has said. Including business and consumer departments and chat. I’m so angry and pissed off I only object for a few minutes and give up.

I called business sales back right after and talked to someone else that told me the plan was $20/month and $2.75/discount. So now I’ve talked to more than 10 people and gotten different prices. I’ve been told things the other departments said were wrong. Over and over, loop after loop.

This is one of the worst sales experiences I’ve ever had and I’ve spent 20 years buying from and working with the major Corporations as a technologist and purchasing manager and this is 0/10!!!! I mean it 0/10. When there was a problem your management was understaffed. Your 3rd party sales team is a joke and ruining what name Sprint has left.

This was appalling experience and you as Corp managers should be ashamed of how poorly this company is run.
I will be publicly sharing my experience with the world and filling out reviews anywhere I can to make sure no one else has this experience. Shame on you! Do you even know what an SOP is?


On a side note. Service is so bad at Sprint that they refuse to let them record them because they are so dishonest. If they cared about their name and were really committed to quality services they would want you to record and hold their staff and corporation accountable not hide from it.

Posted by: Jeremy Benisek (CyberAxe) Don't Panic Business Technologies | January 4, 2018


Posted by: Jeremy Benisek (CyberAxe) Don't Panic Business Technologies | January 24, 2017

Pin Code / Pin Password on Windows 10 greyed out on domain join PCs


Recently I upgraded some workstations to latest Windows 10 build 1607 which worked fine. But after the upgrade the Pin code / Password option is now greyed out and can’t be used. This only applies to Workstations on Active Directory (AD) network joined computers.


In build 1607 Microsoft added a group policy to the server which now forces Pin codes off by default. This policy must be changed before it will work on any system that upgrades to 1607. If you have the setting on before the upgrade then it will stay on until the system is reset/reloaded. If the pin is removed you can not re-add it. However, if it’s a fresh install or the setting wasn’t on previously then you must turn it on by policy.


Update your Group Policy settings to allow pin code / pin passwords on your network.

Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Logon -> Turn on pin sign-in


The Group Policy setting Turn on PIN sign-in does not apply to Windows Hello for Business. Use the Turn on PIN sign-in setting to allow or deny the use of a convenience PIN for Windows 10, version 1607.

Beginning in version 1607, Windows Hello as a convenience PIN is disabled by default on all domain-joined computers. To enable a convenience PIN for Windows 10, version 1607, enable the Group Policy setting Turn on convenience PIN sign-in. Learn more in the blog post Changes to Convenience PIN/Windows Hello Behavior in Windows 10, version 1607.

Use Windows Hello for Business policy settings to manage PINs for Windows Hello for Business.





Posted by: Jeremy Benisek (CyberAxe) Don't Panic Business Technologies | February 17, 2016

Update of trial separation from Microsoft

Here’s an update on my progress.

Microsoft Groove

I have been charged 3 times now after I cancelled my accounts. Microsoft Xbox Support was unable to refund my charges because they can’t find them in my accounts. I have something like 12 different accounts from over my life time with Microsoft, the accounts are so confusing and their customer management system is so bad on their end after an hour he couldn’t fix it or figure out why I was still being billed and why the credits weren’t being received.

On my side Microsoft Account website showed my accounts cancelled and closed but also showed me still being billed for them months later. The only solution Microsoft support could come up with is to delete all my forms of payments from my accounts and randomly refund me transactions made recently he could see. After a week I got the credits and haven’t been billed more.

However, I’m now unable to auto-pay for Xbox Live Gold which I’m debating cancelling. I can’t purchase movies, app or anything from the Microsoft store. What a shame and a bad solution.

Overall to cancel my account took 7+ hours of Microsoft support time and endless emails, phone calls and wasted hours on my side with a bad solution only to show. I’d estimate a labor loss around $500 to cancel a $10/month service. Microsoft would have saved more money by giving the service away for free. They seem to be the new AOL easy to get a hold of but impossible to hold accountable or get action from.

Xbox One / Xbox Live / Halo MCC

I’ve been busy but it seems like there’s an update every time I turn on my xbox one. I can’t use the sleep mode as apps and games wont start correctly, or run correctly and they are tons more issues. So I’ve turned off that “feature”. This means you wait 10-40 minutes every time you want to play a game or watch a movie. What’s the point, this use to be a high-end living room system that always worked, you could go from standing at the tv to gaming in 2 minutes. But now more than half the time the game wont start, there’s an update, a DDOS has taken down xbox live, friends list doesn’t load, the dashboard lags out or log in issues. When you do get in your have ongoing issues in many games like Halo MCC which still has matchmaking issues, crashes, lockup. The Xbox 1 and Xbox Live have become a joke. We can match-make 3 games in Xbox 360 Halo 3 before one in Xbox One Halo MCC. If your alone it works better but what’s the point of playing alone! We normally have 6-8 and often play only 1-3 matches an hour if that!

We restart the game on any sign of bugs which is tons (We call this a 343, dashboard, start, close/quit app/program then restart). Often it take us 5-30 minutes to get the game to load. This bugs been reported over and over and been here for almost 6 months now and still not fixed!

Lag, quitters and slow matchmaking are still major issues in almost every next gen game. Often the game that should be epic cost $70 and are 20% the game we got 2-10 years ago for $40. Rainbow Six, Battlefront and Halo 5 are jokes compared to previous size and scale of the games that built their brands. These teams should be ashamed to release unfinished and faulty content and show it’s all about Microsoft Production Studio and their bottom-line and greed, horror story after horror story comes out about working with Microsoft and their teams. The results seems pretty clear as sales fall and their fan base calls them out or quit playing at all. The ongoing problems have caused a few of our friends to quit playing at all and %20 still wont buy a struggling xbox one.

But the new Microsoft in it’s role as the lumbering giant doesn’t care because their on a quest for perfection instead of a quality mature usable product. The all mighty unified platform one CORE to rule them all, one CORE to bind them, one CORE to destroy them all.

Windows Mobile Phone and ONE CORE TO DESTROY THEM ALL

Mobile with Windows 10 has been garbage and so many features are broken it’s angering. But it’s taken so long to just get to this point that most users have left and gone to other platform, even the CEO of CORES is using an iPhone while on a multi-month leave. The rest of us would get fired for that. But it’s ok to leave with failed products left and right you just walk out, must be nice because your customers can’t just walk out on a 2 year contract and have suffered for years on failed non-product quality Windows Mobile devices.

Xbox One with Windows 10 Core

Another massive failure, bugs, apps crashes, instability, low sales, high cost, high failure rates and poorly built games. I see what it could be but I don’t think the New Microsoft can do it.

Windows 10 Tablet, Laptop, Desktop and 4K Broken DPI

Don’t buy a 4K anything with Windows 10 until they get their shit together! It’s a pain, design work is VERY BAD! Yes VERY BAD! Not being able to see your toolbar or menus in Adobe Fireworks is BROKEN not a feature! LogMeIn giving you a remote desktop as 25% of the screen isn’t a missing feature it’s BROKEN! Video drivers from ATI/AMD/INTEL still aren’t stable and work correctly, on one desktop I can play a game with one driver or be able to control the size of the overscan with another version but not both.

We’ve had Windows 10 for almost a year and Microsoft has failed to deliver hardware providers support and encouragement to write the code needed and update older systems.

No option to restore XP, Vista, 7 backups on Windows 10.

No option to use easy transfer wizard from Windows 7 to a new Windows 10.

Account’s and Sign-in’s

Microsoft Sign in isn’t explained well and very confusing vs a Local account, Domain Account, Work account, Office 365 Account, Corporate Account, Microsoft Account, Hotmail, and on and on we go. .Net, @Live…

Updates and forced Default App/Program resets

Every week Microsoft releases an update that resets your favorites, they can’t resist the power cloud and a connected world gives them and that’s a sign of evil. Power corrupts corporations too and the amount of complaints and worries over privacy and how the New Microsoft views it’s customer is a MAJOR problem for me.

The overly pushed Edge which we’ve told you we hate and don’t want to use. We’ve told Microsoft it’s broken, Edge doesn’t work is so many places, websites, plugin, rendering.

Bad Support which I’ve already talked about.


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